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The Art of Connection

I want us to go deep together which is why my goal is to accompany you on your journey and see you apply what we're working on. Through active collaboration, I guide you in applying Human Design principles to your real-life relationships, ensuring meaningful, lasting change.


Are you aware of your Human Design and those around you? Do you see your partners designs playing out? How do you support one another to truly be yourselves and building connections that work for you. 

Blue Hydrangeas


Dive deep into the intricacies of your relationships with a comprehensive written guide – your personalized Human Design Connection Chart. This detailed roadmap illuminates how you show up in relationships, lays bare your wants and needs, and provides insights into how others can best support you. We go beyond the basics by considering your Variables, including Environment, Digestion, Motivation, and Perspective Color & Tones. The guide is not just insightful but also practical, offering customized tips and experiments to kickstart your transformative journey. 


To help you incorportate your newly acquired expertise this written guide comes with a 3 - month e-mail support where you have the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance. 


Whether you're a romantic couple, siblings, friends, or colleagues, this customized written report delves deep into your individual dynamics. It's not just a guide – it's a passport to understanding each other on a profound, personal level. The report takes you on a journey through your connection in a practical and easily digestible format, encouraging you to explore and experiment together.


To empower you in reshaping patterns and building a lasting bond, this guide comes with a 3-month email support package. This support allows both of you to ask questions and benefit from personalized guidance tailored to your unique Human Design. The package also includes thought-provoking questions, engaging rituals, and exciting experiments, all crafted specifically for both of your designs, setting the stage for a transformative and fulfilling journey ahead.

Pink Blossom
Light pink water lily

Cosmic Bonding

Embark on a transformative journey with 10 bi-weekly calls, each lasting 60 minutes – your dedicated time to deepen bonds, enhance understanding, and practice together.


Ideal for couples ready to explore a deeper connection, these sessions are designed for those questioning societal norms and willing to redefine their path in tandem. Together, we navigate intimate conversations, addressing conflicts, and building a robust foundation for a sustainable and fulfilling partnership.


Not just limited to romantic relationships, these sessions also cater to colleagues seeking an ideal working dynamic and family members looking to bridge gaps and strengthen their love.


Whether you're reimagining shared spaces or redefining collaboration, these calls are your key to transformative growth and lasting harmony.

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