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What we get wrong about Deconditioning

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Deconditioning is one of the first things we're confronted with when studying Human Design. We learn about the impact of society's expectations and other people's projections and ultimately, get to a point where we start to evaluate what is actually ours and what isn't

There is something we're getting wrong about deconditioning, though...

When embaring on this journey of unlearning and identifying the limiting beliefs and expectations that we have taken on we ultimately focus on dismantling these altogether. While the goal is to eventually become aware of our conditioning and no longer be affected it we tend to discard outside influence and build a protection mechanism, sort of like shield. We see conditioning as a bad thing as opposed to looking at the opportunity of growth it gives us to identify the areas we're prone to experience conditioning. 

Accepting the existence of conditioning and making space for our past experience with conditioning be it through society, generational or personal, is a vital part of our growth journey.

I want to encourage you to make space for your individual experience with conditioning. Put it in the backseat of your car, your mind on the passenger seat and your body and authority in the driver's seat and notice the ease you start to sense on your deconditioning journey. We are never completely shielded from external influence, that's the beauty of life and growth as social beings like we humans are. The goal is to accept outside influence while trusting our intuition to know what to take on and to which extend. Deconditioning is not the first step you complete in your Human Design Experiment, it's a companion in your life with Human Design and a powerful tool for growth.

In summary, I want to encourage you to approach your Deconditioning Journey with ease and acceptance as opposed to pressuring yourself or shaming yourself for how long this journey takes.

At the end of the day, I strongly believe that Deconditioning is a life long process as some things will come up again in the future depending on what triggers us or we experience new conditioning through new experiences or as we move through new phases of our lives.

If we look at Deconditioning through a relational aspect I believe we are presented with a beautiful opportunity for expansion and growth. Once you start observing the infuence other's have had on you which ultimately led to you adopting changes to your belief system or values you strenghten the relationship to yourself. There's a power in observing and connecting to others with an awareness around letting yourself be inspired rather than impacted.

People, especially when moving from a not-self perspective, have a tendency to want to change others even if it's from a place of love. Remember now as you embark on your deconditioning journey, you hold the power to decide who gets to have an impact on you so profound you might reasses your value or belief system.


Here are a few journal prompts for you to create awareness through your deconditioning journey

  • In which areas of my life am I prone to conditioning or outside influence?

  • Who has had a profound impact on me?

  • Where have I experienced the most conditioning?

  • How is my conditioning related to my open energy centers or bridge gates?

  • Which societal conditioning targets my open energy centers?

  • Which beliefs and values no longer serve me?


A fitting analogy in my opinion around conditioning is this:

If you imagine everyone in your life being handed a potato (rather than a lemon) some will make french fries, some will make potato stamps, some will turn them into mashed potatos and others will let them develop suckers to plant them into their garden. Ultimately, we can all experience the same conditioning but how it affects us and what we will make from it is going to differ vastly. We each have a unique experience.

Your deconditioning journey is unique as is everyone else's. Support your loved ones on their journey through understanding their experience and this will lead to a deeper, more intimate connection...

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